Some lesser known local band was supposed to open up for Steve this night, but canceled. Sometime that afternoon, Steve's friend and fellow musician, Tom Flannery, left his Kentucky home to come up in hopes of catching Steve's set from the audience. By the time he got to the venue and met up with Steve, Steve was ready to have Tom open for him. Tom, not having any gear with him was left with playing an opening set with Steve's guitar, but that didn't stop him from putting on a great show.
This was my 2nd chance to see Tom perform, as he and his brother Tim, and son Dylan joined the stage with Steve at a show in Lexington, Kentucky in August of 2007 (Photo Gallery). He has a very musically gifted family, and it is always a pleasure to be in his presence and hearing his music. His song, Orion, must have left an impression on me in Lexington, because even after a year and a half, after only hearing it the one time, I found myself remembering the lyrics as I sat in my seat in Dayton. It is definitely a song worth listening to. If you would like to hear it and some others from Tom, jump over to his MySpace page and listen to some that he has posted there.
After Tom handed over "Ol' Smokey" back to Steve, Steve played another great set, and continued his antics from the previous evening in Indianapolis, keeping us all laughing and tied to his every word as he shared his humorous stories from his past and his travels.
Steve was also joined on stage again by Niki Dakota, the host of Excursions on WYSO, a Dayton public radio station. Niki had Steve on her show earlier in the day for about 45 minutes of songs and stories, so Steve invited her back to the stage to help sing a song with him, just as he did the last time he was at Canal Street Tavern, last summer.
It was again great to see everyone that came out. Beth, her husband, and the twins that are going to be scarred for life, thanks to Steve, made the trip. Matt and Terri Maylen made it down from Michigan for this show. Slack, the host of that Lexington show from 2007, came down, bringing some friends and co-workers from a job-site in Ohio. Of course, Frag, Nessa, Colleen, and the usuals came, keeping the family-like atmosphere in tact... well some weird dysfunctional family-like atmosphere anyways.
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