Friday, January 9, 2009

Family Pride

As some of you that are close to me may know that my brother, Kenny, is someone that is very close to me despite being so far away physically. As I mentioned in my posting from Kenny and Kelly's wedding, Kenny and I have had a rocky past, to say the least. Regardless though, he and I have been there for each other through it all. I can clearly remember back to when we were growing up, some of the times that we had to "be there for each other" or stuck up for each other. As a very small child, I can remember sitting up on Kenny's bed with the sheets pulled over our head talking with flash lights late at night, talking to him about our parents fighting for custody. I can remember growing up in Anderson, when I would mouth off and start a fight with some of the neighborhood kids, Kenny would always be there to stand up for me, knowing that I would get my beating from him later, versus taking the beating from the person that I instigated.

Throughout our youths, we have always had that unique bond, but it wasn't until later in our lives that we realized how much being there for one another really meant to us. As I believe I have said before, and I will say it again, our bond is so strong that not a conversation goes by, no matter how brief, nor what company is present, our conversations never end without a, "Love you, Bub" reference.

I do love my brother and I am so darn proud of everything that he has become in his life. To have turned his troubled teenage years around to becoming a married family man and honorably serving our country is more commendable than words can describe.

The end of 2008 brought plenty of emotion for our family. With the declining health and eventual passing of our grandfather, our family was, and still is, going through a lot of heartache. Kenny and his family were able to make a surprise trip to Indiana in late November for one last chance to see "Pap" before his passing. However, their trip also brought some exciting news. This was a chance for the family to find out that we are expecting another member to our family later this year. Kenny and Kelly announced that they are expecting. It was decided that if the child is a boy, the name that Kenny shared with our grandfather, and our dad, would be used. So we are anxiously awaiting Kenneth David Rittenhouse IV's arrival in July. We also officially welcomed Fiona into the family, as her name change was official. She is now my niece in name as well as in my heart.

Fiona - Photo taken Christmas '08

After Kenny, Kelly, and Fiona made another trip to Indiana for Christmas, the realism had set in. Kenny drove the family back to Houston, spent a few more days with Kelly, Fiona, and "# 4" and then had to fly back up to Fort Lewis in Washington State. Kenny is at Ft. Lewis finishing up training before flying over to Afghanistan to serve. This will be his first tour of duty, and something that he is proud to do, despite the emotions of having to leave his now growing family for. He will have the opportunity to return home for the birth of his son, but will have to return soon after.
From Fort Benning Graduation

His assignment will keep him in a good situation despite it being a bad place to be. He will be on a military base almost the entire time, and will be well protected in order to fulfill his duties. He is going over with a laptop and a digital camera, so I am hoping to be able to supply my blog with some guest photography and documentaries while he is there.

Collage I made after his Nov05 Graduation.

On behalf of the family,
"Kenny, we love you. We are soo proud of you. And we cannot wait until you return home safely. Send us some pictures and I will post them on the blog. Love ya, Bub!"

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year, New Site...

As we welcome in 2009, and all the changes that 2009 may bring, we at have decided that the changes could come here as well. 2009 is going to be dubbed "The Year of the Organized Josh" in my family, and a part of the new mantra we will have a more organized, cleaner, looking web presence.

The new website is live and active. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to post comments about the new site.

Aleiha & Vinnie - Columbus, OH - 09Aug08

I am sure that everyone has heard stories about "Bridezilla" coming out on a wedding day. Let me be the first to say that the one was the ying to the "bridezilla's" yang. I don't know that I will ever meet a bride or a couple for that matter that was as calm and collected through an entire wedding process as this couple. They were amazing to work with and so much fun to be around. Their families and friends were awesome too. I don't know if it is possible, but I am certainly looking forward to working with more couples like these two in the future.

So the morning of the wedding, I pack up my gear and set off down I-70 for Columbus. I figured I would get their early to make sure that I could have everything ready to get started as soon as they were ready. And other than figuring out quickly that there is a difference in a State Street and a East State Street in Columbus, the morning started off like any other wedding day for me. Then I met the bride.

I get to the Hyatt where the couple was staying and the wedding was going to take place. Beautiful hotel in downtown Columbus, I have to say. I get up to the bride's suite and meet Aleiha. Never have I met a bride on her wedding morning that was as calm and collected as she was. I knew then that this was going to be a fun day.

So we start shooting the "Getting Ready" shots and it was my first chance to start meeting some of the friends and family that were going to take part in the day's festivities. I have to say that Aleiha comes from a wonderful family, and I had so much fun just hanging out with her adorable brother and sister, and all her friends, while snapping shots of her getting ready.

Then is when things started to show through as to what type of day this was going to be. We go through and shoot some of the preparation shots, and started to shoot some of the dress and the other still life shots that most photographers get, when we realized that there was a few items missing. So, someone asks, "Where's your veil?" which then lead to other key items like a garter that were no where to be found. After the search party of about 5 of us start sifting through the boxes and other wedding day items, it was discovered that the veil and a few other things may have been left at home. At this point, I figure most brides would have started to panic. Not this one. Aleiha took it like a champ and acted as if it didn't bother her. It was then that I knew that I was in for an amazing day with this group.

Vinnie and Aleiha are such a fun couple. It shows in the faces of everyone that was attending this wedding. There were soo many people here that just knew how to have a great time. Everyone was having a blast and that made my job so much easier and much more fun. I enjoyed getting to chat with just about everyone there, when they all weren't out on the dance floor. The kids, the parents, the friends, the grandparents, everyone was out on the dance floor throughout the night, which allowed the photo opportunities to come and keep coming.

What a group! I had so much fun and I want to thank Vinnie and Aleiha for the opportunity to capture these moments for them on their special day. I couldn't have picked a better group to work with if I had to pick each guest out myself. I wish these two nothing but the best as they start the rest of their lives together, as husband and wife!

Kelly & Kenny - Oklahoma City, OK - 04July08

Now Mike and Amber's wedding may have been the first that I have done as a professional for people that I knew before getting into photography, but for this weekend, I have known one of them for longer than anyone else in the world, other than my parents. This wedding also marked a first for me. This wedding I was doing double duties, as not only was I serving as the photographer, but also I served in the bridal party as one of the best men/groomsmen with family friend, Brian.

Kenny is obviously very close to me, considering he is my brother. He and I have been through so much together, that I was honored to stand beside him as he took this step in his life. Kenny and I have been grounded together, kicked out of Mrs. Garner's Latin class together, fought together, cried together, and been in trouble numberous times together. Through it all, though, Kenny and I are closer now than we have ever been, dispite him, Kelly and Fiona living some 1,200 miles and 18 hours away. I love my brother and I am so proud of him for what he has done, and can honestly say that he is my best friend.

Kenny and Kelly have an interesting story. My earliest memories of Kelly were from 5th and 6th grade. I can remember seeing her in the middle school gym after school, knowing that she had a big crush on my brother. Kelly moved away in middle school, taking with her that huge crush that she had on my brother. Her and Kenny both chose two VERY different paths in life, and somehow were reacquianted a few years back, after my brother returned from military training in Georgia. Our family and I could tell that there was definitely something there, as she had given Kenny something that he needed, whether he realized it or not. They dated over long distances for some time before they decided to move to Houston together.

What a way to start their lives together as husband and wife than bringing their closest friends and family together in Oklahoma City, on a holiday weekend.

This could very well be one of my favorite photos I have ever taken.

The "Gettin' Ready" pictures... And Fiona being a little doll as usual.

The cake sharing, even a bite for Fiona.

This little one danced ALL NIGHT LONG... Even when no one else was dancing. And for 4, this one's got some moves.

More cute pictures and some photoshop fun on the last. Didn't realize until I got home that I had Fiona rubbing noses with Mommy and Daddy.

Photos from the first dance and the toast...

Now I have given several speeches in my life, to various audiences, but nothing will compare to giving a toast to these two. Trying to say what I wanted to say, without using what I had prepared, and without crying as I anticipated I would do, turned out to be one of the most difficult things I have done. But I wanted to share with them and all their guest how happy I am for the two of them, and how much I love them both. I love you guys!

As you can also tell by this photo and what I said earlier, I was not able to take all of the pictures this day, so I want to give a huge 'Thank you!' to our father for stepping in and shooting pictures when I couldn't. He shot all of the pictures during the ceremony as well as some during the reception. Not only that, he was my 'pack mule' helping to carry my gear around after the wedding.

Church (with a little fun with Photoshop)

Mom walking Kelly down the Aisle

Fiona looking at Mommy and Daddy

Fiona ready to get her dancing on

Fiona and her Friend

"Just Married" Carriage Kiss