Sunday, January 4, 2009

Poltz Weekend 06.01.07 - 06.03.07

Another amazing Poltz weekend... Wow! I am still just blown away by Steve's antics and songs. He is an amazing musician and an even better man. Steve puts on an amazing show wherever he performs, but get him out in the Midwest and in some of these livingroom shows like the one that Springer Productions puts on in Frankton, Indiana, and like that the Maylen's host in South Lyon, Michigan, and you are in for a treat.

This weekend, Steve began with the Frankton show at the American Legion Hall. Albeit it was a little warm this time around, the show heated up more with Chris Wolf's comedic song lyrics and Steve's antics and passion for music.

After the Frankton show, Steve, Springer, Rob and I made the trek up I69 towards the Maylens. Several stops for Starbucks, and stops caused by my drinking 44 oz. Moutain Dews later, we arrived in South Lyon for the unveiling of "The Barn". This was the first show ever at "The Barn" and what a way to christen this great new venue.

The weekend concluded with the annual stop to Local's Only in Indianapolis, where for a Midwest bar venue, the Poltz fans seem to come out of the woodwork, including representatives from "The Bob and Tom Show," dedicated faithful fans, and this year, we were blessed with the surprise visit of Matt and Terri from the Saturday night show in South Lyon. An amazing show, in which Steve surprised us all with some unforseeable antics. We were blessed with a stage dive of sorts, right into our table, as well as a surprise guest duet with Chris Wolf and Springer, when Steve decided to take part in the crowds viewing of an amazing version of Chris' invisible dog song.

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