Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sovern Wedding - 09.22.07 - Alexandria, Indiana

Being of my own family's weddings, the Sovern wedding was another one that was very special to attend. Andy and Beth are one of the cutest couples that I have seen, and seem to have everything that it takes to make it all work. Just to see them together, anyone could see this to be true.

The wedding ceremony itself was cool for me in that I got to see more of my extended family that I haven't seen in years. This was a beautiful service. And for me this was the 2nd straight wedding that the reverend/pastor presiding over the service was also a photographer. However in this case, he and his son were the paid photographers. So out of respect to them, I did my best to just be a wall-flower with my new camera.

This was the first wedding that I shot with my new Canon EOS 40D. And as you will see from the photos, I still had some tweaking to do on the camera. I learned a lot from shooting this service, and was glad that I was just welcomed to attend. I apologize from the graininess on some of the images, but overall, I am pleased with the shots that I got.

Congratulations to Beth and Andy, and I am slowly running out of single cousin's it seems.

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