Sunday, January 4, 2009

Kellie & Ryan - Indianapolis, Indiana - 01Mar08

Okay, so this couple will ALWAYS be special to me, not only because they were the first couple to book my services after I made the decision to go pro at this, but because they are such a great couple. I have more fun around them and just enjoy hanging out with them almost as much as I enjoy being their photographer.

Yes, that is a Peyton Manning jersey under the suit of the man who pronounced them. Gotta love it!

Someone was camera shy almost all day.

But I finally got her to smile for me.

Camera-shy maybe, but not on the dance floor and definitely not shy around the boys... far from it. This one was calling them out on the dance floor all night.

What a fun group!

This won't be the last time we see these 3! ;) *hint, hint*

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